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I’ve been a long­time fan of Alex Cuervo’s projects (HEX DISPENSERS, BLACKTOP, FEAST OF SNAKES), so when he hit me up to do some design work I couldn’t have been hap­pier to oblige.

My goal was to visually com­pli­ment his sound (which owes “a seri­ous debt to the pio­neers of late 70s hor­ror sound­tracks like John Car­pen­ter, Italo-prog mas­ters Gob­lin & the work of Ger­man pio­neers Tan­ger­ine Dream”), so what we have here is some­thing along the lines of “Omni mag­a­zine hav­ing a night­mare in 1981″.


Above:  Espectrostatic LP front and back covers

Espectrostatic LP Cover Design
If you’re inter­ested in read­ing more about the process and back­story at work here, you can find a pretty lengthy inter­view about my Espec­tro­sta­tic cover design (along­side sev­eral other design­ers and albums) at the UK-based music site Drowned in Sound.

Above:  Espectrostatic – Consulting the Necronauts

Below: Espectrostatic – Unused Logo Rough

Espectrostatic – Video Work
I also took some of the 3D ele­ments from my cover design and created an accom­pa­ny­ing music video for the song “Con­sult­ing the Necro­nauts”, which you can see above. Please feel free to pre­tend that it’s 2 AM and that you’re sleepily watch­ing “Night Flight”.

Below you’ll find an unused render of an early logo rough.


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