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Estrus Records Design Work



Work­ing with Dave Crider at Estrus Records, whether in terms of music or design, is a great experience.

I mean of course you’d expect him to deliver on the music knowledge front, but he’s also got an amaz­ing graphic eye — in fact his crazily-deep mental archive of arcane pop cul­ture (both the dia­monds and the garbage) speaks to a clear and diag­nos­able insanity.

Over the years his Bellingham, WA based Estrus label has released music by the likes of the Mummies, Teengenerate, Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet and many more, all while showcasing art and design by folks like Art Chantry, Peter Bagge, and Pat Moriarity.

So hats off to ya, Dave! Always a pleasure.

Above: Knockout Pills Packaging and Collateral

The Knockout Pills – 1+1=ATE
The Knock­out Pills was a band that I played in from 2001 to 2006, and it was basically a completely awe­some expe­ri­ence. Dur­ing our time together we toured around the United States, met a ton of really great peo­ple and man­aged to put a few not-badish records out. This was one of them.

The guys:

Ger­ard Schu­macher — Drums
Travis Spillers — Vocals, Bass
Matt Ren­don — Vocals, Gui­tar
Jason Willis — Guitar

Above: Dexateens Packaging and Collateral

The Dexateens – Red Dust Rising
“11 track circuit breakin’ shot of southern fried get down from that twang & tumble tornado known as The Dexateens. Less Black Flag meets Black Oak… more Gram Partson bareback riding Crazy Horse through a backwoods brushfire w/a 6 pack 6 string & 6 shooter blazing.”

Above: Estrus Kamikaze Ass Chomp N Stomp Packaging and Collateral

Estrus Kamikaze Ass Chomp N Stomp – Sampler 4
“Collection of 19 tracks of maniacal musical mayhem from the likes of: THE BOBBYTEENS THE DEXATEENS THE DIPLOMATS OF SOLID SOUND DMBQ THE DT’s THE FALL-OUTS FATAL FLYING GUILLOTEENS FEDEREATION X GAS HUFFER THE INSOMNIACS THE KNOCKOUT PILLS THE MAKERS MIDNIGHT EVILS THE MISTREATERS THE MUMMIES SUGAR SHACK & THE VON ZIPPERS!!! Even THE MONO MEN who have been locked in deep freeze statsis in an iceberg for 13 years have woken up to join in the action!! Earth is in terrible danger. Why can’t we do anything as we are frozen petrified in front of our stereos? Can the earth survive this crisis?? What can we do?? Slap it in Turn it up & GET IT ON!!!”


11 + 15 =

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