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Wolf Bait

Intended to evoke the hazy sensibilities of an animated short screened at a midnight film fest in the 1970’s, this film takes a pair of rad paintings by the super talented Janelle Hessig (artist, animator, publisher, drummer) and brings them to, well, half-life at least.

“Werebiker” and “Wolf Bait” are the works in question, with the added bonus of “Wolf Bait” being “Based on a true story!” according to Janelle.  And who’s going to argue with her? The lady clearly knows her werewolves.

Set to the 1957 song “Wolf Call” by Lord Dent and His Invaders.

Wolf Bait - Animated Lady
Wolf Bait - Animated Werewolf Biker
Wolf Bait - Exploded Character Elements - Lady
Wolf Bait - Exploded Character Elements - Werewolf Biker
Lycanthropic endorsement of original “Werebiker” print

Top: Animated Characters

Middle: Exploded Character Elements

Bottom: Lycanthropic endorsement of original “Werebiker” print

Character Work
Exploded character views of the two protagonists.

Lycanthropic Endorsement
Topstone’s Teenage Werewolf gives his copy of the original “Werebiker” a furry thumbs-up.


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