Feb 1, 2011 | Blog, Music |
The Tube Tops were a one-off collaboration between Jason Willis and Saylor Breckenridge. “Delta #1” was our only song and it’s kind of a Spacerock/Krautrock/Lo-Fi instrumental number, originally released on the “Underachievers Vol. 2” cassette in 1996. The Tube Tops –...
Feb 1, 2011 | Audio, Blog, Websites and Archiving |
DemoApe.com A demo (shortened from the word “demonstration”) is a recording generally created for reference rather than for final release. An ape is any member of the Hominoidea superfamily of primates, including humans. Demo Ape is a site I initially created to serve...
Feb 1, 2011 | Audio, Blog, Websites and Archiving |
OxideFlake.com Oxide Flake was designed to serve as a repository in which to share digitized versions of the cassettes that are slowly turning to dust in my closet. While primarily an outlet for the live recordings of punk rock bands I made in 1984 and 1985,...
Feb 1, 2011 | Blog, Short Film, Video, Video, Websites and Archiving |
Note, this project is one of my annual Halloween Projects, which are something of an outgrowth of my old Children’s Halloween Record blog Scar Stuff. For a complete listing of my Halloween Projects, please click here. As a companion piece to the original 1977 version...
Feb 1, 2011 | Appearances, Blog, Short Film, Video, Video, Websites and Archiving |
Note, this project is one of my annual Halloween Projects, which are something of an outgrowth of my old Children’s Halloween Record blog Scar Stuff. For a complete listing of my Halloween Projects, please click here. Here’s a higher quality (and downloadable) encode...