Jan 28, 2011 | Blog, Photography |
Some of my “Kansas Punk Rock of the 80’s” archival photography (largely intended for my mid-80’s fanzine Room 101) featuring: Big Toe live at the Outhouse in Lawrence, KS December 1986 Jeff “Chubby” Smith – Bass, Vocals Burnie Booth – Guitar Bill Colburn – Drums Big...
Jan 28, 2011 | Blog, Photography |
Archival (not to mention terribly beat up and grainy) “Kansas Punk Rock of the ’80’s” photography featuring: Short Notice live at the Outhouse in Lawrence, KS on Dec 7, 1985 Short Notice live at the Outhouse in Lawrence, KS on Feb 8, 1986 Harvey Bennett Stafford –...
Jan 25, 2011 | Blog, News, Site Map |
Welcome to my new, improved and expanded website. The plan is for it to be a mix of my commercial, personal and whateveral work — from motion graphics to design to photography and all the rest of the stuff that I’m doing. So, hey! Thanks for joining me! – Jason...