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iPhone Gridstamatic Series – Photography

iPhone Gridstamatic Series – Photography

“Gridstamatic” refers to my grid assem­bly/col­lage work using the Hip­sta­matic app (or if you’d prefer, Cubism-by-way-of-iPhone). The images been featured in and/or won awards from Photojojo, Wired, F-Stop Magazine, the Hipstamatic “Adventures in HipstaLand” series,...
Cactus Flowers 2011 – Photography

Cactus Flowers 2011 – Photography

Snaps of a few of the badass cactus blooms that are going down all over my yard this year. Most of these flowers are erupting from a few Peruvian Torch (Trichocereus peruvianus) Cactus that I picked up from B & B Cactus Farms in Tucson, AZ All of the shots were...
iPhoney Photo Baloney – Photography

iPhoney Photo Baloney – Photography

A catch-all (and theoretically ongoing) repository of iPhone Pix with little rhyme or reason to tie them together beyond the various apps used to get the results. Perhaps a further refinement will one day occur when it comes to categorization and breaking things out...

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