Moon Monster – Animated Horror Fan Club Spot (Comic Book Ad, 1970) Services: Animation, Directing, Editing, Live Action, Video 60 second live action/ animated spot based on the classic Moon Monster Poster comic book ad from 1970.For project information...
“Adventures Into Darkness” – Animated Short Services: Animation, Video 30 second imaginary commercial spot, created out of the “Adventures Into Darkness” #8 cover elements from Feb 1953. The “Grave Keeper” interior...
Tucson Film and Music Festival Services: Animation, Directing, Motion Graphics, Video Links: • Tucson Film and Music Festival The Tucson Film and Music Fest was launched in 2005 by Michael Toubassi of Upstairs Film, and it seeks to fuse the creative...
Wolf Bait Services: Animation, Video Links: • Intended to evoke the hazy sensibilities of an animated short screened at a midnight film fest in the 1970’s, this film takes a pair of rad paintings by the super talented Janelle...
Nobunny – “I Was On (The Bozo Show)” Services: Animation, Directing, Editing, Live Action, Video Links: • Nobunny on Facebook • Nobunny on Twitter • Goner Records Live action/ animated music video for “I Was On (The Bozo Show)”,...