Oct 6, 2013 | Blog, Directing, Editing, Motion Graphics, Short Film, Video |
[30 Second Dream Fragment] from Jason Willis on Vimeo. Oh, I dunno man. Hey, you tell me, right?
Mar 26, 2013 | Blog, Interviews |
Here’s an interview I did with the swell folks over at Daily Grindhouse (“Tough Films for the Rough Crowd”!) The Perils of Feline Drug Addiction: Talking to Sundance Award Winner Jason Willis “Daily Grindhouse may not be known as a primary source for cat videos, but...
Feb 26, 2013 | Appearances, Blog, Interviews, Video |
Video interview I did with the supercool Sky Dylan-Robins over at Tumblr.com’s “Storyboard” series. This was shot when I was at Sundance to support my short film Catnip: Egress to Oblivion?, and it’s pretty much all about that. Director Jason Willis Talks ‘Catnip’...
Feb 26, 2013 | Blog, Interviews |
Here’s an all-purpose type interview that I did with the awesome filmmaker Torin Langen over at Film Army in Jan of 2013. FRIGHT-A-THON: AN INTERVIEW WITH JASON WILLIS Lotsa horror and monster talk! “I’m not gonna lie, I’m a pretty huge Jason Willis fanboy. Seriously...
Feb 1, 2013 | Appearances, Blog, Interviews, Video |
Here’s a quick interview I did with the cool folks at IndieFlix. This was shot when I was out at Sundance to support my short film “Catnip: Egress to Oblivion?”. “IndieFlix CEO Scilla Andreen travels to Park City and interviews filmmakers from around the globe. In...
Aug 27, 2012 | Blog, Interviews, Websites and Archiving |
Here’s a pretty old interview that I did with Laura Aura and the Shoy Shoy Boy for their “Shuffle: Cue and Ehh?” series back on May 8, 2006. It’s a pretty Scar Stuff-centric affair, so we talk about a lotta children’s Halloween records/ sharity type stuff. David (the...