Oct 21, 2015 | Animation, Blog, Directing, Featured, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Video |
Grimm-Life Collective – Vocal and Instrumental Show Openers from Jason Willis on Vimeo. Michael Kolence and Amy Preston (the “Grimmest Couple in America“) compose the Grimm-Life Collective, and the Grimm-Life Vlog series documents their travels along America’s back...
Oct 9, 2015 | Animation, Blog, Directing, Editing, Motion Graphics, Music, Music Video, Video |
Jordan Prather and Belinda Esquer are the creative duo behind the talented pop band Head Over Heart (read about ’em in Entertainment Weekly or Pop Matters!), and what we have here is a music video that I directed to support the A-side of their extremely limited...
Sep 4, 2015 | Animation, Blog, Commercials, Directing, Editing, Motion Graphics, Video |
Loft Film Fest 2015 – Animated Promotional Video from Jason Willis on Vimeo. Loft Film Fest 2015 – Animated Promo Here’s a spot created for in-house promotion of the Loft’s 2015 Film Fest. Every year these things seem to get better and better, and the lineup this time...
Aug 15, 2015 | Blog, Directing, Editing, Short Film, Video |
Catnip: Egress to Oblivion? – Unexpected Russian Translation – КОШАЧЬЯ МЯТА ПУТЬ В НИКУДА from Jason Willis on Vimeo. Well, talk about unexpected! An organization called Black Street Records (self-described on their YouTube channel as “Postproduction and translations...
Aug 1, 2015 | Blog, Commercials, Editing, Motion Graphics, Video |
“Midnight Show” Teaser Trailer from Jason Willis on Vimeo. MIDNIGHT SHOW is an anthology feature film composed of faux grindhouse-style trailers and other vintage movie elements assembled by filmmaker Newton R. Wallin. The goal behind this initial teaser trailer was...