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40 Oz Dreams (“Good brews, good buds, good timez.”) is a cool internet TV show/ blog outta Austin, TX. So cool that the bitchin’ duo of Leroy (née James) and Elinor drove ALL THE WAY OUT from Texas to my messy studio in Tucson to do these interviews while we drank beer.

So if the prospect of hearing me talk about Halloween, Punk Rock and DIY type stuff while I gesticulate wildly and get progressively drunker doesn’t sound like a TOTAL NIGHTMARE to you, well then BY ALL MEANS: click these links!

Thanks Dreamerz!


“We traveled all the way to Arizona to interview award winning, halloween-loving, incredibly generous cool dude Jason Willis! We talk about the Arizona punk scene, being able to get paid doing what you love, and of course Halloween.”


“We traveled all the way to Arizona to interview award winning, halloween-loving, incredibly generous cool dude Jason Willis! We talk about the Arizona punk scene, being able to get paid doing what you love, and of course Halloween. In part 2, we talk more about Halloween, Nobunny’s hygiene, and being in a band.”

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