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Around 1991 my world became a far, far bet­ter place thanks to the exis­tence of Some­thing Weird Video and their amazing archival releases of lost educational films, drive-in commercial ephemera, and B-movie exploitation madness.

Mike Vraney (1957-2014) and Lisa Petrucci have always been a tremen­dous plea­sure to work with, and I’m over­joyed to have gotten the chance to design several of their signature clamshell VHS cases, special event showcards and movie posters.

From a design stand­point “gar­ish and trashy” are prob­a­bly the only guide­lines I’ve ever really been asked by them to adhere to, and I could not have been hap­pier in obliging.

So here’s a grab bag of several (though by no means all) of the covers (and misc other print work) that I’ve created for Something Weird over the years.

Sure, sure — naturally a number of these titles eventually made their way over to DVD, but you never forget your first love, right? Well for me that means the signature clamshell VHS cases with the outrageous colors and almost crude ad-mat style graphics first introduced by Something Weird back in the early 1990’s. I’m pleased to have made at least a few contributions to that tradition.

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