Feb 4, 2011 | Blog, Featured, Photography |
A collection of Einstürzende Neubauten photos that I shot at Parody Hall in KC, MO June 2, 1986 on their Halber Mensch tour. Man, but they were good! Several of my workmates from Exile Records and I drove up from Lawrence, KS to Kansas City, MO for this show. It was a...
Feb 4, 2011 | Blog, Graphic Design |
Around 1991 my world became a far, far better place thanks to the existence of Something Weird Video and their amazing archival releases of lost educational films, drive-in commercial ephemera, and B-movie exploitation madness. Mike Vraney (1957-2014) and Lisa...
Feb 4, 2011 | Audio, Blog, Music, Websites and Archiving |
New Wave Twist – 1979-1981 was a KBD-style compilation that I made around 1997 with an eye towards exposing some of the more jittery, nervously voiced, artsy and/or cheesy independent wave-o rumblings from the late 70’s to the early 80’s. Obviously I (ahem) never got...
Feb 4, 2011 | Blog, Images, Websites and Archiving |
I have excellent news for the world: Cheeta (world famous movie star of many a Tarzan film from the 1930’s & 1940’s, not to mention the oldest living chimp on the planet), is, as of this writing in 2006, currently living out his retirement in Palm Springs while...
Feb 1, 2011 | Blog, Graphic Design, Images, Websites and Archiving |
While all collections are intrinsically autobiographical, since I’m not a true “collector” (i.e. I’ve never purchased or traded these things; this is more an illustration of packrattery) it’s probably extra easy to trace my life & interests through these...
Feb 1, 2011 | Appearances, Blog, Editing, Music, Music Video, Video |
Unreleased track (well, technically one of 23 unreleased tracks) from “The Weird Lovemakers Must Die” sessions, 2000. Hector Jaime – Vocals, Bass Greg Petix – Guitar, Backing Vocals Gerard Schumacher – Drums Jason Willis – Guitar, Backing Vocals Music: Jason Willis •...