Jun 28, 2015 | Blog, Commercials, Editing, Time Lapse, Video |
4161 N Camino Arco for sale in Tucson, Arizona 85718 from Michelle Hotchkiss on Vimeo. When it comes to spotlighting the amazing historic architecture that defines so many Tucson homes, my friend Michelle Hotchkiss over at Atomic Tucson is the absolute expert. She...
Oct 12, 2014 | Animation, Blog, Commercials, Directing, Editing, Motion Graphics, Time Lapse, Video |
Tucson Film and Music Festival: 2014 Spaghetti Western Intro from Jason Willis on Vimeo. Tucson Film and Music Festival: 2014 Spaghetti Western Intro I’ve always loved the look and feel of the classic 1960’s Spaghetti Western credit sequences. With so many films...
Oct 11, 2013 | Animation, Blog, Commercials, Directing, Editing, Motion Graphics, Time Lapse, Video |
Here’s a minute long intro short that I directed for the 2013 Tucson Film and Music Festival. Tucson Film and Music Festival: 2013 Intro from Jason Willis on Vimeo. After editing down one of my favorite Tucson jingles from the past to use as an audio track, I based my...
Oct 9, 2013 | Animation, Blog, Directing, Editing, Motion Graphics, Music, Music Video, Time Lapse, Video |
Nobunny – “I Was On (The Bozo Show)” from Jason Willis on Vimeo. Live action/ animated music video for “I Was On (The Bozo Show)”, originally released on the Nobunny LP “First Blood” (Goner Records). Because the song has specific ties to his time spent in the...
May 28, 2012 | Blog, Directing, Editing, Short Film, Time Lapse, Video |
Tucson Chronometry from Jason Willis on Vimeo. A collection of three timelapse shorts taken in the Sonoran Desert landscape of Tucson showcasing Morning, Noon and Night. Shot 2012: Feb-May
Jan 14, 2012 | Blog, Directing, Editing, Short Film, Time Lapse, Video |
Quick and loose edit containing a few of my Tucson, AZ/ Sonoran Desert time lapse landscape setups made using the Dynamic Perception Stage Zero Dolly. Music: “Man from Malibu (Latin)” by Malcolm Lockyer Tucson Winter Time Lapse [Set 01] (2012) from Jason Willis on...